Monday 9 March 2015

The FA Cup Still Has its Charm

Hello Procrastinators! There's been a lot of negative press surrounding the recent pitch invasion as the Aston Villa v West Brom 6th round FA Cup game, but really it shows that football's oldest competition still inspires passion from the players and fans alike.

It wasn't a display of hooliganism as some are calling it, it was the fans showing their delight at a shot at a cup final at Wembley. So why are the fans getting so much grief for this?! The BBC are branding it a return to the 1980s, which quite frankly is beyond laughable. And Fabian Delph claimed that fans tried to "bite" him; apparently Aston Villa fans are taking advice from Suarez nowadays. The pitch invasion should be taken in jest, not lamented as a return to the 'dark days' of English football. Quite simply, the footballing world needs to get a grip.

The magic of the FA Cup is also personified by Bradford City, a League One club who beat Premier League Chelsea on the road to securing a replay against Reading; a win will ensure they play a game at Wembley. We all love an underdog story, and Bradford are definitely that. 

The story of Bradford coupled with the other giantkillings, namely Cambridge's draw against Manchester United and AFC Wimbledon's draw against Liverpool, proves that the FA Cup still means so much to so many teams, even the big ones. And the big teams are lacking in the draw at the moment, with Chelsea, Spurs, City and many others knocked out, the competition truly is anyone's. Cheeky tenner on Bradford anyone?

Connor x   

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannisterr in Game of Thrones) Has Some Wise Words

Hello Procrastinators!

Peter Dinklage has shared some personal information in order to get people to understand the word "lucky". Have you ever worked really hard and achieved something you're really proud of just for someone to say, "God, you're so lucky." or, "I wish I was as lucky as you!" It's annoying, isn't it? That's what Peter is discussing here and I hope you can take some inspiration away from this to be more appreciative of other's work as well as your own.

If you accomplish something you're proud of, anything at all from finishing an assignment to the best of your abilities, doing extra study for your course, making a new friend, getting a better mark than you expected, doing a good deed for someone (whether you brag about it on Facebook or keep it private!) anything that makes you feel proud. Don't put it down as luck. Give yourself some credit! Your successes aren't down to anything but you, so feel good about yourself for once! You don't have to be modest all the time. 

Jess x

Happy News!

Hello Procrastinators!

We've got another bunch of the best pickings of the last week's happy news! 

Nurse Donates Her Retirement Fund to Food Bank

Charlotte Tidwell, pictured middle

A retired nurse has decided to use a lifetime's worth of savings towards a food bank that feeds up to 7000 people a month, and half a million meals are served per year. She's also heart-warmingly modest about it all, saying that her mother, community, and friends from school deserve just as much praise as she does for raising her that way. Not only that, but she works there six days a week - for free. She maintains that the customers must be served "in a compassionate, respectful way" which is lovely considering so many people lose their  She says its not just about giving food but about giving hope, too. What an amazing woman!

I'm sure everyone's heard of the "Dancing Man" who Twitter trolls bullied, calling him a "specimen trying to dance". They took pictures and posted them for everyone to ridicule the guy that was clearly just dancing, having a good time. If anyone had photos of them taken when they were drunk and dancing I don't think they'd be anything to brag about either! The tweet had the opposite effect anyway, and a new tweet started trending to find the "Dancing Man" which was retweeted 11,000 times! He was found in London and 2,000 women are now holding a dance party especially for him. Heart = warmed.

Before the superbowl, the two Chris's tweeted a bet: whoever's team won, the other would have to visit the victor's local hospital dressed as Star-Lord or Captain America to see the sick kids there. Though Evans won the bet, these two brilliant people went to BOTH hospitals anyway! They brightened the day of many poorly children and earned themselves masses of respect and karma. Real-life superheroes. 

A Finnish punk band who all have Downs Syndrome have beaten the odds stacked against them to be brilliant role models for everyone across the world. Their band is called PKN and they've beaten seventeen other bands to make it through to the semi-finals of representing their country. They hope to bring awareness of Downs Syndrome to the masses with their music and I think it's a fantastic idea. Not only are they the first band made up of people with Downs Syndrome, they are also the first punk band to be a part of Eurovision. Lead singer Kari Aalto said, “Every person with a disability ought to be braver. He or she should themselves say what they want and do not want.” I hope they serve to inspire everyone who tunes in or even if they don't - everyone should be able to take a message of inspiration from these brave and talented people.

Have you got any inspiring or happy news that should be added to this list?

Jess x

Top 10 Uplifting Songs

Hello Procrastinators!

Here's a list of the most uplifting songs for you to embarrassingly sing and dance to. Enjoy! 

Fun - We Are Young.

A song all about the night before, cue drunken singalongs.

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now.

An absolute classic that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.

AC/DC - Back in Black.

The lyrics aren't exactly too uplifting, but once the riff kicks in, it's impossible to not try and be Brian Johnson.

Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer.


U2 - Beautiful Day.

They may be insufferable twats, but this is an absolute tune.

Oasis - Wonderwall.

Same situation as U2, except the Gallaghers are even bigger twats.

Vampire Weekend - A Punk.

You have no idea what half of the lyrics are but it's the perfect singalong tune.

Blink 182 - All The Small Things.

An absolute classic - who doesn't know the words?!

Beach Boys - Good Vibrations.

Incredibly cheesy but we all love a bit of cheese.

Elbow - One Day Like This.

Synonymous with austerity era Britain, after all they only want one day like this.


Maroon 5 Have Officially Become The Best People In The World

Hello Procrastinators!

Tissues at the ready, happy tears are about to be shed.

If you haven't heard, Maroon 5 are now the best and nicest band to exist.

Here's what happened:

A ten-year old boy with Downs Syndrome named Christopher won tickets through an American radio station to one of Maroon 5's shows, with a meet and greet too. At school, Christopher works really hard to earn breaks so he can listen to their CDs. For a project at school he decided to do a poster about the band. That's how much he loves them. When he got backstage and saw the band, he started having a panic attack and his way of coping was to lie on the ground. I think he handled it well actually. I wouldn't have been in control of my bladder, legs, face or mouth if I'd met them. Some up-themselves celebrities might have become awkward or not known how to react - but not Maroon 5. The band lay on the ground with their little superfan and chilled with him until he felt calmer. They took selfies with him too!

Which, if you ask me, is a much cooler way to hang out with Maroon 5 than your typical meet and greet.

What makes this story EVEN nicer is that Maroon 5 really didn't want any publicity for doing it, they just did it because they're nice people. A guy from the radio station who supplied the tickets began circulating this story because he felt Maroon 5 were such great guys they deserved some recognition for their coolness.

Here's the full video:


Best comment of the day about Christopher is:

Emily C Le ·  Top Commenter · Works at Skyworks LLC

Let's all try to remember that a little bit of kindness can go a very long way.

Jess x

Why Feminism Is Still Relevant and Important in 2015

Hello Procrastinators!

This article is a response to Connor's post on Thursday, Controversial Opinion of the Day

Obviously as Connor is male he has never, and will never, experience any of the same kind of sexism as women do regularly, possibly on a daily basis. I'm a feminist, and a humanist, but I struggled with classing myself as the "F" word for a couple of years because of the negative connotations associated with it. If you're a feminist, you're a bra-burning, men-hating lesbian, right?

Not right. If you're not a feminist, you're probably brain dead. Feminism means wanting equality between men and women. Why wouldn't anyone want that? For the people who say it's outdated, it's definitely not. The UK has the sixth largest male/female pay gap in the EU. Women get paid less to do the same job as men. Not to mention the fact women are discouraged from being promoted to higher positions within the work place. There  is a massive difference between how male and female employees are perceived and expected to behave within the workplace. There was a study conducted by Fortune about the issue. "This kind of negative personality criticism—watch your tone! step back! stop being so judgmental!—shows up twice in the 83 critical reviews received by men. It shows up in 71 of the 94 critical reviews received by women."

Here are the graphs about personal reviews at work given to men and women:


Look at those differences! I know it's just one study but it really brings to light the underlying issues that society is still massively old-fashioned and we still have troubles erasing from our minds the idea of the domestic wife who lives and breathes to serve her husband who is the strong breadwinner. Women, for some people, should still be at home while the workplaces should still be full of men. Or if women are at work they should keep their heads down and mouths closed and never "emasculate" a man by daring to speak up about problems.

This isn't even beginning to touch on the "glass ceiling" that stops women from being able to get to such high positions in work in the first place. For example a woman who is young enough to have children can be rejected from a job in place of a man so that the boss doesn't have to pay maternity leave to the woman. Or it is common for women to be discriminated against because bosses fear she'll put her family first. Of course it's 2015 and women can choose not to have children, not to get married and put her career before anything and that's fine but not many people will assume that's the case without it being explicitly said. But why should women have to? Men don't. 

Maternity leave is an issue other countries have gotten right but UK is still lagging far behind. The fact only the mother can take off a year is just wrong. What if the mother doesn't want to be the parent to take a year off? It should be a year off that the parents can divide in any way they want. And house husbands should become just as commonplace as house wives and get no discrimination for looking after their children - because for every house husband that looks after the house, there is a progressive woman being able to work. Some people's dreams are to get to the top of their career ladder and some people's dreams are to have the best family they can - for some people it's both. And that's fine. But it shouldn't be determined by gender which one yours should be. This is just the same as when parents divorce. The parents should be grown up and decide fairly who would be the best care giver. Under no circumstances should the children be blindly given to the mother because she holds the uterus that grew them. I know first hand that that kind of haphazard choice making doesn't always work for the best.  

Men don't even have to disclose on any form ever whether they're single or married, women do with miss, mrs, ms. And obviously like 90% of people who put "ms" are single anyway so that one's a dud until they get rid of the other two. It's like women should be proud to be married but men can hide it if they want. I ended up debating with my boyfriend the other day about the fact I'm not changing my name if I ever get married. Men don't even have to think about that, it's a given. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to change my name. So I gave an alternative, I asked, "Why don't you take my name?" He said, "Because I don't want to. I like my name." It took a couple of seconds before he realised that it's kind of exactly the same reason I don't want to change my name either. I like my name. It's mine. I've had it for twenty one years and it's uncommon and it's on all of my documents and I like being a part of the Cambrook family. I don't see any reason why I should have to even say I don't want to change it, why it should be a given that I take my male partner's surname. I've got no ties to that name, no memories, no birth certificate, no parents with that name, no siblings with that name. I love my boyfriend's family but just as much as I'm a part of his family, he's a part of mine too. 

Those are just a sample of some first world feminist problems to skim the surface of the problems still plaguing our patriarchal society. For people (and you Connor!) complaining about men not getting to see their kids, yes, that is a problem. But feminism encompasses that. Women want to be equal - that means upgrading in some respects such as employment and marriage, and downgrading in others like maternity leave and care of a child. That's just fair. And the extremist feminists who spew man-hate all over the internet aren't really feminists. They don't want equality, they want all out man extermination. There's a lot of problems to be solved in all areas of humanity but by denying that there are any problems is just white male privilege at its finest. 

What do you think about feminism? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear what you think!

Jess x

Rules of Life (In Pictures)

Hello Procrastinators!

Sometimes in life we need some guidance and help about how we should live our lives to the fullest. Most of the time that comes from friends, family or the internet. No one has all of the answers but these pictures might help you when you're at a fork in the road or unable to make difficult decisions. I hope they help you to feel inspired and ready for anything life throws at you. 

Here they are!

Chin up and keep going.

Do you have any life rules to share? Let us know in the comments!

Jess x

Motivational Pictures To Get You Working

Hello Procrastinators!

There are times when we all get down and depressed about how our lives are going, how nothing is going right, how we never have time to do anything, the list goes on. Here are some pictures to put some spark back into you and get you moving and one step closer to achieving your dreams!

I hope that's given you some food for thought. Have you got any other pearls of wisdom you'd like to add? Any life advice that you live by to keep yourself motivated? Let us know in the comments below!

Jess x 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron New Trailer!!

Hello Procrastinators!!

Okay this isn't a film review but it is kind of a trailer review, and it's definitely not tragic, so let's move on... Yesterday a new Avengers trailer was released to great hype. People went crazy for it like these trailers and their catnip; the only thing keeping them going until the film's release in April. I didn't rate the first one much because of how cheesy and predictable it was but it was enjoyable regardless.

The new film looks set to be epic. I know how awful that word sounds but it really does!

With new rifts between the Avengers and a new enemy to conquer, I think this sequel won't take many risks in case they upset fans but it looks like it's going to have thrills, twists, and most importantly some Stark #bants. 

Their new foe is a robot with AI. The AI theme seems to be running wild at the minute (see: Chappie being released very soon) suggesting it's going to be a new reoccurring theme in upcoming films wanting to jump on the bandwagon. But for now it's still new so let's wait and see I suppose!

What do you think? Does this film look like it's going to be amazing or an amazing fail? Let us know in the comments below!

Jess x

The University Vice Chancellor Pay Scandal

Hello Procrastinators!

A recently published BBC article showed the average pay of a university vice-chancellor was a staggering £260,000 a year. To put that into perspective, the average pay in the UK is £26,500, and the average student will leave university with debts of around £40,000. Madness.

Vice chancellor of York St John University
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. These latest pay figures will give students a real sting, considering in the period that tuition fees have been trebled, vice chancellor's pay has gone up by 10%. Oh, and these figures don't include expenses, some of which total £27,000 for hotels alone from one vice chancellor.

But where is the media uproar? It's been barely reported, and it dwarfs that of the MPs expenses scandal in terms of money, they also only get paid £67,000 a year, bless them. There will be no uproar as once again the aristocratic English regime has exploited the young: the group that is so often exploited. These salaries and expenses are not coming from the tax payer, they are coming from the student having to pay their way through life, debt-ridden just so they get a decent chance a getting a half-decent job. If you're not born into money, you're going to struggle to earn it, lets face it.

Also, what does a vice chancellor actually do? They don't teach their students, in fact they spend very little time on campus at all, they spend a majority of their time abroad promoting their institution. So they're essentially getting paid hundreds of thousands of pounds to go on holiday. Hard life. In fact, most students wouldn't be able to name their vice chancellor, I certainly can't name mine. Some spearhead, eh?

Connor x

Expectations Vs. Reality of Moving Away From Home

Hello Procrastinators!

This week we're going to be taking a look at the expectations vs reality of moving away from home. It's something we all have to go through at some point and when it hits you're like a snail out of its shell, vulnerable, stinking and cold. 

1. Being warm

Expectation: I'm going to love living in such a cute little house with the heating always on full blast all cosy and warm in the living room with my friends!

Reality: It costs HOW MUCH? Fuck that. Get your jumpers on lads!

2. Sharing food

Expectation: It's going to be so great this year. Me and all my housemates can fifth the food bill and we can all cook family meals together and eat around the dinner table.

Reality: That bitch ate TWO more chicken nuggets than I did. And she got a handful more crisps. That's it. I'm done. I'll buy my own food. FUCK ALL Y'ALL!

3. Your student house being homely


Reality: Someone stained my throw with a glass of coke and didn't even wipe it up? What kind of slobs am I living with? Fine, let's all have the ugly green sofas on show! 

4. Getting to decorate your room the way you want

Expectation: FINALLY my dictator parents can't tell me what to do. Oh my god I can have ALL my Yankee candles on display and all my favourite band posters up so everyone can know how cool and edgy I am.

Reality: LOL NOPE. Bitch you're not allowed blue tack, sellotape OR candles. That shit is worse than drugs to the room inspectors. Keep it out or keep it hidden unless you want a £50 fine.

5. Making loads of cool new mates

Expectation: Everyone I live with is going to get me. We'll be BFFs forever and lifelong pals.

Reality: You end up with one person with severe socialisation difficulties, one person who's too goth to talk to anyone wearing colours, a chav who you fear might stab you at some point while you sleep, and a guy you're pretty sure is a necrophiliac cannibal. Nope nope nope.

6. Having a clean kitchen

Expectation: We can have a cleaning rota! We can all take turns and share all of the household chores so we can live in a well cared for, clean home and never be embarrassed.


7. The bin being taken out

Expectation: We can all take turns like decent human beings to take the bin out because really no one likes touching bin juice.

Reality: Two housemates deny the full bin is even in existence in the kitchen and keep piling more junk on top of it, one housemate is in full meltdown mode over how messy everything is, and one housemate ends up being the skivvy who always has to take it out.

8. Life not being too expensive

Expectation: I can't wait to go out all the time and have fun and go for meals and buy new clothes and life is going to be so amazeballs and exciting.

Reality: I didn't need those new tights anyway, these have only got three ladders in. I can pretend I'm going out for a meal by eating on the front doorstep. We can go to the Railway museum for something to do tomorrow because I heard it's free entry. Those 9p noodles look really good. Right, guys? Right?!?!

9. Having crazy house parties

Expectation: Mum and dad's not here anymore, FUCK DA POPO LET'S PARTY!

Reality: Guys the on-campus warden's just said we can't blast Celine Dion that loud any more and if we keep it up she'll make sure we get kicked out. Movie night, anyone?

What do you think? Can you relate to any of these or have you got any more you can add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

Jess x