Monday 2 March 2015

6 Cheap Ways to Treat Yourself

Hello Procrastinators! Feeling the post-Christmas/pre-summer blues and strapped for cash? Here's a list of the best ways to treat yourself on a limited budget. Enjoy!

Netflix binge. Got a day to kill but don't wanna spend a penny? Well then Netflix is your sanctuary. With series' like Breaking Bad, Dexter and American Horror Story and films like the Godfather, Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump, there's plenty there to fill your time!

Eat disgusting amounts of junk food. A perfect accompaniment to a Netflix binge. There's nothing better than eating a whole tub of ice cream to yourself guilt free. 

Nap. Had a long, hard day? Still got a bazillion things to do? Have a nap. It sounds counter-productive but it will refresh you and allow you to lose yourself in the wondrous world of sleep.

Online shop. Not the cheapest exercise, granted, but go on Amazon/Ebay on buy the one you've wanted for ages. Set yourself a limit of £10 and see how far you can make it go.

YouTube. You can watch literally anything in the world, but you'll definitely end up watching hours of cat videos. But hey, who doesn't love seeing cats play the piano?

Have a bath whilst reading a book. The best combination ever. It will relax you and give you some time to yourself.

Connor x   


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