Monday 2 March 2015

Easy Ways To Celebrate St. David's Day

Hello Procrastinators!

A little known fact about me (Jess) is that I'm half Welsh. Hardly exotic. However yesterday was St. David's Day - but who parties on a Sunday?! Plan a get together for this weekend and give yourself something to look forward to. We all need a great weekend to have in our sights during the boring working/studying week. 

Buy Some Daffodils

Daffodils at the minute are so cheap. One pound will buy you a whole bunch of daffodils because they're in season. And they're so yellow and Spring-y and happy! Decorate as many rooms as you like, but if you don't have any vases jugs or pots or cafetieres will do. This could be the cheapest, easiest way for a student to have something living in their house. If you accidentally kill them, well, it's only the price of a Pot Noodle.

Watch Game of Thrones

As we all know, Wales has a flag with a dragon on. Something else we know is Game of Thrones features some bad-ass dragons. With series five looming over us, beginning in April, refresh your memory of the last four series. See how much Arya has grown up, and which characters still remain from series one. Thehe best way to pay your respects to St. David's Day without even leaving your bed. 

Make Leek and Potato Soup

So cheap and easy, it can be frozen and it'll feed you for ages. Amazing for a student budget.

What you need: butter, one large leek, 4 medium potatoes (peel and diced), 900mls veg or chicken stock.

Directions: Melt the butter. Cover and cook the leek over a low heat for five minutes. Add the potatoes and cook for another ten minutes or until soft. Pour in the stock and bring it to the boil, then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Mash the soup with a potato masher or use a blender if you're posh. 

Enjoy! Don't forget to send your mam a picture and show her how capable you are, making home-made food. You adult, you. Include lamb somehow for an extra-Welsh feel.

Red and White Theme

For your party if you have one you could theme your guests' outfits to be red and white and see what kind of things people come up with. Or you could have red and white decorations. And music from bands with red or white in their name or song titles. 

The possibilities are endless.

Drink Beer

Beer is Wales' national drink. So get some tankards out and get a selection of some new beers you've never tried before. Play some drinking games, like ring of fire (Dragon related, obvs). Here are the rules:

Ring of Fire: Have a jug/pan in the centre in the table (or a glass if you're wimps like the above photo). Get a pack of cards and surround the jug/pan with them, evenly spreading the cards in a circle. Everyone takes turns picking a card. Each card has a different meaning and if you break the circle of cards so there's a gap you have to down your drink. 

Ace - Waterfall. The person who picked the card starts downing their drink and everyone has to drink too. When the original card-picker stops drinking so does everyone else. Each person can choose not to stop but to drink for as long as they want and anyone after them in the chain must drink for as long as they do.
Two - You. Pick someone to have a drink.
Three - Me. You drink.
Four - Never Have I Ever - have a round of never have I ever. Eg. Never have I ever smoked, and anyone who has smoked must drink. 
Five - Thumbs. At any point during the game (until some one else gets a 5) put your thumb on the table and the last person to realise and follow suit must drink.
Six - Chicks. All women in the room must drink.
Seven - Heaven. The person picking the card must put their hand in the air and the last person to follow suite must drink.
Eight - Mate. Pick someone to be your mate and whenever you have to drink, they have to drink too.
Nine - Rhyme. Pick a word and everyone must think of a rhyme. No repeats. First person to fail has to drink. 
Ten - Men. All males in the room must drink.
Jack - Snake eyes. If anyone makes eye contact with this person for the rest of the game they must drink.
Queen - Question Master. If you ask a question and anyone answers they must drink.
King - Everyone pours a bit of their drink into the pot.

Whoever pulls the fourth king has to drink all of the drink in the pot at the end.

Hope this helps you to have a happy St. David's Day!

Jess x


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