Monday 9 March 2015

Happy News!

Hello Procrastinators!

We've got another bunch of the best pickings of the last week's happy news! 

Nurse Donates Her Retirement Fund to Food Bank

Charlotte Tidwell, pictured middle

A retired nurse has decided to use a lifetime's worth of savings towards a food bank that feeds up to 7000 people a month, and half a million meals are served per year. She's also heart-warmingly modest about it all, saying that her mother, community, and friends from school deserve just as much praise as she does for raising her that way. Not only that, but she works there six days a week - for free. She maintains that the customers must be served "in a compassionate, respectful way" which is lovely considering so many people lose their  She says its not just about giving food but about giving hope, too. What an amazing woman!

I'm sure everyone's heard of the "Dancing Man" who Twitter trolls bullied, calling him a "specimen trying to dance". They took pictures and posted them for everyone to ridicule the guy that was clearly just dancing, having a good time. If anyone had photos of them taken when they were drunk and dancing I don't think they'd be anything to brag about either! The tweet had the opposite effect anyway, and a new tweet started trending to find the "Dancing Man" which was retweeted 11,000 times! He was found in London and 2,000 women are now holding a dance party especially for him. Heart = warmed.

Before the superbowl, the two Chris's tweeted a bet: whoever's team won, the other would have to visit the victor's local hospital dressed as Star-Lord or Captain America to see the sick kids there. Though Evans won the bet, these two brilliant people went to BOTH hospitals anyway! They brightened the day of many poorly children and earned themselves masses of respect and karma. Real-life superheroes. 

A Finnish punk band who all have Downs Syndrome have beaten the odds stacked against them to be brilliant role models for everyone across the world. Their band is called PKN and they've beaten seventeen other bands to make it through to the semi-finals of representing their country. They hope to bring awareness of Downs Syndrome to the masses with their music and I think it's a fantastic idea. Not only are they the first band made up of people with Downs Syndrome, they are also the first punk band to be a part of Eurovision. Lead singer Kari Aalto said, “Every person with a disability ought to be braver. He or she should themselves say what they want and do not want.” I hope they serve to inspire everyone who tunes in or even if they don't - everyone should be able to take a message of inspiration from these brave and talented people.

Have you got any inspiring or happy news that should be added to this list?

Jess x


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