Thursday 5 March 2015

The University Vice Chancellor Pay Scandal

Hello Procrastinators!

A recently published BBC article showed the average pay of a university vice-chancellor was a staggering £260,000 a year. To put that into perspective, the average pay in the UK is £26,500, and the average student will leave university with debts of around £40,000. Madness.

Vice chancellor of York St John University
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. These latest pay figures will give students a real sting, considering in the period that tuition fees have been trebled, vice chancellor's pay has gone up by 10%. Oh, and these figures don't include expenses, some of which total £27,000 for hotels alone from one vice chancellor.

But where is the media uproar? It's been barely reported, and it dwarfs that of the MPs expenses scandal in terms of money, they also only get paid £67,000 a year, bless them. There will be no uproar as once again the aristocratic English regime has exploited the young: the group that is so often exploited. These salaries and expenses are not coming from the tax payer, they are coming from the student having to pay their way through life, debt-ridden just so they get a decent chance a getting a half-decent job. If you're not born into money, you're going to struggle to earn it, lets face it.

Also, what does a vice chancellor actually do? They don't teach their students, in fact they spend very little time on campus at all, they spend a majority of their time abroad promoting their institution. So they're essentially getting paid hundreds of thousands of pounds to go on holiday. Hard life. In fact, most students wouldn't be able to name their vice chancellor, I certainly can't name mine. Some spearhead, eh?

Connor x


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