Thursday 26 February 2015

7 Ways To Survive Your Hangover Without Tablets

Hello Procrastinators!

Because student nights in most places are usually midweek (because university means you get, like, five days off a week) here's a handy list to get you through the dreaded hangover. Headaches, stomach cramps, dry throat, over-emotional mood swings, the sweats - tick, tick, tick!

1. Laughter
The best way to get over your misery is to combat it with laughter! Get together with whoever you were out with the night before and talk about everything that happened. If nothing makes you laugh, your night out wasn't good enough.

2. Shower/bath
Depending on how swanky your student accommodation is you could have a bath but I'm assuming you're a right commoner like us, so make do with a hot shower instead. You'll step in like a zombie, cringing from the heat, and step out a new person.

3. A walk
This doesn't sound like the most appealing of options because you have to, y'know, get out of bed, but it will work. The fresh air will wake you up a bit and who knows, maybe there'll be a shop en route so you can treat yourself (see point 5).

4. Power nap
Just the opposite of walking, a power snooze can also help you to feel almost human. When you roll in at five am and wake up at ten because your house mates are clumsy idiots - that's not enough sleep to function on. That's not even half of what you normally get! Go and treat yourself to some rest.

5. Impulse buying
This can be done online or if you can muster up the energy to leave the house that's good too. Any amount of spent money will guarantee a better mood and relieved stress. Just try not to cry when the money gets taken out your bank when you're feeling better.

6. Water/juice
Seems obvious but alcohol dehydrates your body so you need to top your fluids up again. That headache that's ruining your life? It's because of dehydration. Get some OJ or H2O down you.

7. Greasy food
When you're hanging who doesn't dream of McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Subway... The possibilities are endless. It might not be good for you but all food tastes nicer the morning after the night before.

Next time you go out and feel like literal walking death the next day, come back to this list. It could save your life.

Jess x


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