Monday 2 March 2015

2 Easy Ways to Write a Screenplay/Script

Hello Procrastinators!

We've all had dreams of being famous at something. So maybe your thing is that you want to be a screenplay writer? Here are some great sites to help you fulfil your dreams. 


For general advice about how to start going about writing a script from the very beginning this site is really helpful. It details how to to order your ideas and even how to get ideas for your next script. 

For a how-to list that covers all of the basics then you should start here. It's got lists and pictures to help you understand the really pedantic technicalities of writing a script. The only problem is it's very long winded and with barely any examples of what a script should look like in full and the more complicated components.

You can find a good example of a script with all the bits and pieces labelled here


Celtx is free online software that doesn't require a download and it saved me when I had a screenplay assignment due in but I had no clue where to even start. It configures everything for you, has the right settings and font and spacing and margins. I would definitely recommend this for when you know the basics to actually start writing your screenplay.

There's other paid software you can get but I'm a student. I like my freebies. Until I'm recommended a better one I'll probably stick with this. It's not too complicated and it gets the job done. 

If you know any better software or websites just comment below! 

Jess x


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