Thursday 5 March 2015

Is University Worth it?

Hello Procrastinators!

With tuition fees at an eye-watering £9,000 a year, leaving the average student with about £40,000 of debt, there's a question every person considering university asks themselves: is it worth it?

A difficult question considering the fact that most degrees don't guarantee a job. But people with degrees do average a much higher income, which poses the argument that students should pay over the odds if they earn more than the average worker. With budget cuts and the recession, it's a very fair argument. 

But young people are the future of this country, so shouldn't they be given the best start? Not a debt saddled one. 

So, bringing me back to my original question, there's no definitive answer. A degree could propel you into a high paying job full of prospects, or you could end up working at McDonald's with lots of debt. Especially if you study dance/art/beauty etc. 

Unfortunately we live in an age full of uncertainty, so don't go to university on a whim. Go if you're passionate about the subject you're going to study, don't be put off by the money. After all, education should be for everyone, not just the rich. It'd be the opposite if the Tories got their way. 

So, yes, it is worth it. University is a fantastic experience which truly is once in a lifetime. Yes the debt is a worry, but most students will only pay half of it at the most. And with the plethora of people attaining degrees nowadays, it's a must to land your dream job. After all, a degree is better to an employer than no degree. It's expensive, but it's an investment in your future. 

Connor x


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