Thursday 5 March 2015

Controversial Opinion of the Day

Hello Procrastinators! 

Feminism is bollocks. 

A controversial and rather vague statement admittedly, but a very valid one considering current affairs. There's nothing more cringeworthy than seeing a band of people spouting feminist bullshit; it's important to mention here that feminism is not exclusively female. Even the politicians are getting involved now. 

This is what a bellend looks like

 Right, I'd like to clarify the fact that I'm all for equality, everyone should be equal, no matter what their race, gender, sexuality, etc. is. But what I'm not for are people like that on who constantly spout anti-men hate. Especially when these people are living in a Western society which enjoys the greatest equality it ever has done, and certainly more equality than most other nations. 

The more these people campaign for 'equality' the less society is going to give them. There will always be prejudice; it's an innate human trait after all. So campaigning is highlighting the issue, something which feminists are inexplicably proud of, but in fact, they are making the problem worse. Now there's plenty of people who will disagree with this approach, but society nowadays is very accepting of most contentious issues. Read the Daily Mail and they'll tell you the opposite; but the world isn't full of hate - not in the Western world anyway. 

While the plight of women is so often harked from the rooftops, the fathers who aren't allowed to see their children and divorced men who have lost everything they worked for, are ignored. Now that's sexism. Where's men's rights? There isn't any. If you attempt to extrapolate feminism and apply it to men, you'll be called a matriarchal bigot.

This is the real travesty, yes millions of women worldwide suffer greatly, but so do men. The best way to achieve equality is to truly preach it, not lament men like the typical feminist; they weren't exactly complaining when men were dying for them during the wars.

What do you think? Comment below!

Connor x


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