Monday 2 March 2015

Top 5 Uplifting Films

Hello Procrastinators! Here's a list of the most uplifting films which make you laugh, happy and generally make you feel better about the world. Warning: contains spoilers!

Forrest Gump

While the film features many tear-jerking moments, the life of Forrest Gump will captivate and inspire you. Only he can be a heroic war veteran, superstar football player and millionaire without even realising it. And that's the beauty of the film: simplicity. Forrest is a simple character wanting to lead a simple life, but he unwittingly ends up being a celebrity. This is the ultimate feel good film and it also makes you believe that you can do anything.


This one's a real cheese fest, but it's brilliant. A Christmas film, but it can be enjoyed anytime as Will Ferrell brilliantly plays a lost elf searching for his father. He ends up saving Christmas and finally fitting in with his real family. Disgustingly cliche, but it offers an easy watch, cheap laughs and, ultimately, a soppy moral message: family's the most important thing. N'aww.


Another Tom Hanks classic (he is pretty amazing). Here he's a prepubescent boy who wants to be big, so he makes a wish at a Zoltar machine which culminates in him getting big, falling in love, getting a dream job but eventually sacrificing it all to become small again. It's heart-warming stuff that shows not all wishes should come true.

Cool Runnings 

Literally the film of my childhood. This not only turns you into a bobsled enthusiast, but also part Jamaican. Cue awful Jamaican accent. Even though they finish last, the fact that they got there is wonderful, even more so when you realise it's based on a true story. This is an all round happy film which you just have to watch.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

If you ever find life getting on top of you, ask yourself: what would Ferris Bueller do? It's be pretty useless advice but you'd have plenty of fun. This film features Ferris, probably the coolest person ever, and his efforts to have fun whilst skipping school. It's a timeless coming of age classic that you must watch.

Connor x


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