Thursday 5 March 2015

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron New Trailer!!

Hello Procrastinators!!

Okay this isn't a film review but it is kind of a trailer review, and it's definitely not tragic, so let's move on... Yesterday a new Avengers trailer was released to great hype. People went crazy for it like these trailers and their catnip; the only thing keeping them going until the film's release in April. I didn't rate the first one much because of how cheesy and predictable it was but it was enjoyable regardless.

The new film looks set to be epic. I know how awful that word sounds but it really does!

With new rifts between the Avengers and a new enemy to conquer, I think this sequel won't take many risks in case they upset fans but it looks like it's going to have thrills, twists, and most importantly some Stark #bants. 

Their new foe is a robot with AI. The AI theme seems to be running wild at the minute (see: Chappie being released very soon) suggesting it's going to be a new reoccurring theme in upcoming films wanting to jump on the bandwagon. But for now it's still new so let's wait and see I suppose!

What do you think? Does this film look like it's going to be amazing or an amazing fail? Let us know in the comments below!

Jess x


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