Monday 9 March 2015

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannisterr in Game of Thrones) Has Some Wise Words

Hello Procrastinators!

Peter Dinklage has shared some personal information in order to get people to understand the word "lucky". Have you ever worked really hard and achieved something you're really proud of just for someone to say, "God, you're so lucky." or, "I wish I was as lucky as you!" It's annoying, isn't it? That's what Peter is discussing here and I hope you can take some inspiration away from this to be more appreciative of other's work as well as your own.

If you accomplish something you're proud of, anything at all from finishing an assignment to the best of your abilities, doing extra study for your course, making a new friend, getting a better mark than you expected, doing a good deed for someone (whether you brag about it on Facebook or keep it private!) anything that makes you feel proud. Don't put it down as luck. Give yourself some credit! Your successes aren't down to anything but you, so feel good about yourself for once! You don't have to be modest all the time. 

Jess x


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