Monday 23 February 2015

The Best News of the Week

Hello Procrastinators! 

To transform your dismal morning into a Happy Monday I’ve collected some of the best and weirdest news stories of the week. 

Let’s start with making ourselves feel better about being British and living in this cold, wet weather. At least we aren’t American. One third of Americans don’t know that Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around. It was only a two choice question – Earth around the Sun or Sun around the Earth? - so the results might not even as depressing as they should be. Panicked stabs in the dark have possibly skewed the outcome.

Also, Steven Speilberg is now more popular than God. Well at the Oscars, anyway. He got forty two shout outs compared to God’s mere nineteen. Who needs him? He’s probably never even watched a film, the cheat.

That crappy part-time job you wish you never even got hired for? Don’t despair – it could be your path to a future fortune. A fifteen year old girl who began her career as a babysitter now earns nearly half a million dollars a year with her rent-a-nanny company. To be fair, she started up with her dad's money but nonetheless still an amazing achievement for a teenager. She’s just had to hire a chief exec to handle her business while she’s at high school. So the next time you’re handing out food orders to ungrateful customers, fake a smile – they could be your future clients at your restaurant.

Just to make their country even more amazing, Finland have started painting deer’s antlers with glow in the dark paint to prevent them being run over. Last year 4,000 deer were killed on the road. They literally now look like the most bad-ass animals to ever exist. Just look at them! Amazing.

Now don't you just wish you were a deer, Steven Spielberg, or a fifteen year old girl? Okay, maybe not...

Jess x


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