Monday 23 February 2015

6 Ways To Procrastinate Usefully

Hello Procrastinators!

Want to distract yourself whilst actually achieving something? You've come to the right place! Here's 6 ways to procrastinate usefully:

Write a blog. It's exactly what I did, hence why you're reading this now, and it's turned out to be pretty useful.

Go for a walk. It's been proven that working in short sections of time is more beneficial so why not break the time up with a bit of fresh air? Or go for a run if you're feeling adventurous. 

Selective Youtubing. Now this is a risky one, but if done in moderation it can be a good way to motivate yourself. Simply watch a video after every 20-30 minutes of work, therefore you have something to aim for. Also, watching something tangibly educational will be more helpful than cat videos.

Clean. This is something I do a lot when I'm trying to distract myself. Never has the washing up been so appealing when compared to an essay on 18th century literature.

Read. Pretty obvious, but reading expands your mind and a good book can engross you just like a good film. Except people look impressed when you say you read books. Like it's some sort of mystical form of entertainment. 

Cook. Similar to cleaning, it's useful but it also gives you some time to think; it is a mindless activity which allows your mind to wander. Hopefully it will wander onto something productive.

Procrastinating is, by definition, wasting time, but if you use at least one of these ways to procrastinate - then gone will be days of wasting time!

Connor x


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