Monday 23 February 2015

7 Easy Ways To Improve Your Mood

Hello Procrastinators!

We've all had crappy days where things all get on top of us. Well, here's 7 easy ways you can improve your mood without much effort at all:

Read a book
It has been scientifically proven that burying your head in the sand is the best way of dealing with your problems. Okay, so that’s a lie. But what’s the harm in a little bit of escapism when things are feeling a bit tough? Get stuck into an old favourite or spend a few quid indulging in a new title and let your imagination run riot while your anxieties quieten for a while.
The more colourful, the better... right?
Have a powernap
Also known as nana naps, powernaps are usually a staple of student diets right after any carb-filled main meal. But they’re also really useful at refreshing your mind and leaving you feeling like a whole new person. When you’re feeling stressed give yourself half an hour for a flash nap and when you wake up, everything will seem much more manageable when your brain isn’t as fried.
If we all had this kind of cuteness in our lives we'd be fine
Get in touch with friends or family
That is, if you’re up to it. Sometimes lazing around all day with just your own company can be invigorating. In all other circumstances, text/call your friends/family, whoever you think will be most likely to help lift your mood. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. They might be able to give you advice or an angle on your issues you hadn’t even considered before. Meeting up for a coffee or just to get some fresh air, getting out of the house for a while, might just be enough to do you some good.
So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyyy...
Pig out on unhealthy food
Because chocolate is always the answer. Always. Order a takeaway, cook a quick meal (why not check our recipes page?), or eat a shit tonne of sugary snacks, salty crisps and fizzy pop. Whatever your body is telling you it needs, give it. For at least one night. Just don’t let it become a habit or you’ll end up with clogged up arteries and I don’t want to be sent your medical bills.
It's supposed to put me off but this image makes me SO. HUNGRY.
Avoid social media
When you’re feeling under the weather, who wants to see how amazingly everyone else’s lives are going? The worst thing you can do is log in to Facebook and accidentally end up on someone’s profile who irritates the hell out of you or an ex’s smiling photos. It’s practically self-harm. Stay well away until you’re feeling more capable of sticking to the brighter side of social media.
Boo! #idontlikethis #pls
This sounds like something a hippie tramp on the street would try and shake into you but seriously, hear me out. There are plenty of guided meditation videos on Youtube and you would be surprised how much it helps not only purge bad moods, but helps prevent them from even occurring in the first place. There’s no crazy body contortioning, normally you lie down with a blanket while a soothing voice guides your mind to a better place while your worries are forgotten in place of a summery field. Well, in your head at least.
Cliffs are dangerous... Stick to your bedroom
Binge-watch a new Netflix TV series
Ask friends and family for their suggestions, log in to Netflix (or other, y’know, legal sites) and binge watch that shit ‘til you’re eyes are burning and you’re more worried about whether Lana Banana is going to escape the Briarcliffe asylum than about your own problems. This also gives great conversation starters in uni or work. And thus your life is vastly improved in every single way.
Brb going to spend the next 87 hours watching Orange Is The New Black

Happy days.

Jess x


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